If you were impacted by the Maui Fires, Re-Source is here to help


We accept donations in the form of:

  • In kind contributions of new and used goods
  • Cash donations
  • Volunteer support
    Please complete this short form which allows us to move donations in the most efficient manner. We will contact you shortly regarding donations of goods and monetary contributions. We accept monetary contributions via check, venmo and bank wire.

How it Works

We are 100% volunteer-run and grassroots, which means we have no overhead or fees. 100% of every donation, dollar, or item goes directly to those impacted on Maui.


We connect those who need to those who want to give, serving as a conduit to make giving and getting easier and more personal.


Some of us live on and are deeply connected to Maui, so we are prepared to navigate the logistics effectively and move items efficiently and personally to those who need them.


As a sustained support system designed to specifically respond to and source items people need and request, we can create curated, sustainable, and resourceful ways to help locals.

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